Kulim Town :- The Chettiar Avenue

The Chettiar Avenue lines on both sides of Jalan Raya. When I was young I used to peep into one of the Chettiars 'offices' every time I go for my shopping rounds with my mom. I can see a few Chettis sitting crossed leg in front of their small table perched on platforms.IOU chits ,loans all available at some considerable intrests!! I managed to photograph two remaining 'offices' of the Chettis, the entrance is always decorated with colored tiles.
Let me introduce myself. I am William Dielenberg. I grew up in Kulim and I was educated at St. Patrick School, Jln Kelang Lama.
I had a very quick glance of your blog and I am very impressed with the postings. Unfortunately I cannot help you as I have no photos, maps or anything in the form of prints. But I'd like to keep in touch. May be we can come up with something interesting.What is your real name/ surely not Blachan
My address is wdberg@optusnet.com.au
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