Way throught the early sixties and the early eighties Kulim folks had their share of entertainment of the silver screen at Kapitol cinema . I had a few fond memories of this cinema. In the late sixties the famous Indonesian Nasyid Group El-Suraya had performed in this theater. I was there witnessing the famous nasyid song of "Selimut Putih".
The building of Kapitol or Capitol (English name) cinema was actually reconditioned from an older cinema called Kim Wah Theatre which used to screen cinema shows from the 1950s right up to the 1970s. The site of Kim Wah was in fact occupied by an older wooden cinema called Queens in the 1940s-50s which someones used to stage Bangsawan shows. The last film shown by Queens in the early 1950s was a Hindi "Aurat" starring Prem Nath and Bina Rai. It was the Hindi version of Samson & the Delilah which was showing round about the same time in Coronation Cinema. After that Queens was pulled down to be replaced by Kim Wah. I used to watch films in all three, Queens, Kim Wah and Capitol
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